
Sessions are a core component of Rize. A Session can be one of the three types: Focus, Meeting, or Break. A Session signifies that you were doing one of three activities during that time: doing focus work, meeting with others, or taking a break.

For the most part, Sessions are automatically created for by Rize based on your activity. However, you can manually create a Session when necessary. Read below to see how each different type of Session is created.


Focus Sessions

The purpose of Focus Sessions are to show when you were able to get time focus throughout the day. To quote Cal Newport in his book Deep Work, "The ability to perform deep work is becoming increasingly rare at exactly the same time it is becoming increasingly valuable in our economy. As a consequence, the few who cultivate this skill, and then make it the core of their working life, will thrive."

How Focus Sessions Are Automaticaly Created

Rize divides all categories into Focus and Non-Focus categories. A Focus Session is created when you spend a certain threshold of time in Focus categories. That threshold is roughly 75% of your time in Focus categories over a minimum 15 minute period.

When a Focus Session is created, it will automatically be added below your timeline and listed in your Session component. The top category will be listed as the title of the Focus Session.

You can manually create a Focus Session using the Timer or from a calendar by adding #rize-focus to the calendar event title or description.


By default, all categories are considered Focus categories except Messaging, Email, Customer Support, Productivity, Uncategorized, Entertainment, Miscellaneous, Utility, and Personal. You can update which categories are excluded from Focus categories by going to Settings > General > Exclude from Focus Time.

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How Focus Time is Calculated